L'art de (se) diriger ( le blog de Laurent Pellegrin)

L'art de (se) diriger ( le blog de Laurent Pellegrin)

Pour des réunions courtes

Quand vous vous asseyez dans une salle de réunion, un bon exercice et de rapidement évaluer la masse salariale des collaborateurs présents rapportée au temps passé. Très instructif pour savoir la valeur ajoutée de la réunion par rapport à son coût réel. Alors pour éviter la réunionnite, pensez à faire court mais efficace. Voici quelques conseils tirés de INC. avec Kevin Daum :

1. Set a Specific and Detailed Agenda

Often meetings are set with only a general topic in hopes that the conversation will take care of itself. This leads to open discussion that can run on forever.

  • Before a meeting, create a one-page agenda with simple bullet points of the items to be discussed. The best practice is to create a meeting-agenda template for the company or department. This way, anyone scheduling a meeting can create the agenda in a quick and uniform manner.
  • At the beginning of the meeting, the agenda should be quickly discussed and approved. 
  • Establish time limits for each discussion. 
  • Give a warning when you are a minute or two from the prescribed end.    

2. Invite Only the People You Really Need

  • When you build your agenda for the meeting, list only the people absolutely required for each of the agenda items.
  • If not everyone is required for all the agenda items, schedule the discussions so they start with the most people and allow people to leave as their names drop off the list. That way they'll be motivated to keep their own conversations short and to the point so they can get back to work.

3. Create a Structured Close

I was talking with a consultant friend who schedules her one-hour meetings for 50 minutes.  At the designated 50-minute mark of every meeting, use the same three questions to end the meeting.

  • In one sentence, what was your single biggest takeaway from this meeting?
  • In one sentence, what is one topic that should be discussed in our next meeting?
  • Give one word or phrase describing how you feel about this meeting?

By establishing this closing structure, you set expectations in her client's mind for closure of the meeting, and wrap up is simple. In a group setting, whoever is in charge of the meeting can direct the same process around the table and take notes for future agenda items. People who leave earlier can take two minutes and share before they leave.


Facilitating efficient meetings isn't extremely difficult, but it takes a little planning and the willingness to get your colleagues on board. The best time to have that discussion is when you see their frustrated faces in the next run-on meeting.



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