L'art de (se) diriger ( le blog de Laurent Pellegrin)

L'art de (se) diriger ( le blog de Laurent Pellegrin)

The great leaders and the power of dreams

Excellent article de la HBR sur l'utilisation du pouvoir des rêves par les grands leaders et cette belle conclusion : " : "As the lottery demonstrates, most people are willing to place long-shot bets in the service of a personal dream. Great leaders help their people understand how those personal dreams can be aligned with the organization's goals, and why upping their investments will improve the odds of success." 


Read more : http://blogs.hbr.org/ashkenas/2012/04/great-leaders-use-the-power-of.html?referral=00563&cm_mmc=email-_-newsletter-_-daily_alert-_-alert_date



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