L'art de (se) diriger ( le blog de Laurent Pellegrin)

L'art de (se) diriger ( le blog de Laurent Pellegrin)

Happiness on the workplace

Since 2009, Matthew Killinsworth, a doctoral student in psychology at Harvard University has collected datas about the first-ever large-scale study of happiness in daily life and in the job place. A few striking findings :

  • Mind-wandering on the job reduces both happiness and productivity. So "a focused mind is a happy mind".
  • Happiness differs more from moment to moment than it does from person to person : its not the stable conditions of our lives but the small everyday things that count the most.
  • Happiness on the job depend more on our moment-to-moment experiences (ou routine interactions with coworkers, the projects we're involved in, our daily contributions) than on the stable conditions such as high salary and prestigious title.
Source : HBR Jan-feb 2012
To participate to the study and read more go to http://www.trackyourhappiness.org/

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