The global CEOs of today : 5 realities of the next decade and 5 styles
The 5 realities of the next decade. In the next decade the business wold will change on an unprecedented scale. Most CEOs think the secret to success in those ten years will be understanding how to :
- Compete globally in the first decade of hard globalization ;
- Position your company to deal with the environmental challenge and play a wider role in society as sustainable business ;
- Exploit the promise of Web 3.0 ;
- Lead your business through particularly extreme cycles of capitalism ;
- Be a winner in the first world war for talent.
Leading at the top today. Facing this context the global top quartile CEOs identified by Tappin and Cave fall into 5 distinct categories :
- Commercial executors : they focus on how the business is trading. "What are our like-for-like store sales this week ?".
- Financial value drivers : they focus relentlessly on the financial worth of their business. "What's the business worth today ?"
- Corporate entrepreneurs : they live their business. "What's happened to my baby today ?".
- Corporate ambassadors : they worry about the global impact of their business. "How can I transform the geopolitical landscape of my business ?"
- Global missionaries : they wake up every day and renew their personal mission. "How do I make my company and the world a fundamentally better place for my stakeholders ?"
Source : The new secrets of CEOs, 200 global chief executives on leading, Steve Tappin and andrew Cave, Nicholas Brealey Publishing.
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