L'art de (se) diriger ( le blog de Laurent Pellegrin)

L'art de (se) diriger ( le blog de Laurent Pellegrin)

Bibliographie pour les managers d'aujourd'hui (Source Nicolas Lochet)


  1. La fin du management – Gary Hamel, Bill Breen
  2. Reinventing Organizations – Frederic Laloux
  3. Turn the ship around – L. David Marquet
  4. La sagesse des foules – James Surowiecki
  5. La vérité sur ce qui nous motive – Dan Pink
  6. Conscious Capitalism – John Mackey, Raj Sisodia
  7. Liberté & Cie – Isaac Getz, Brian Carney
  8. La belle histoire de Favi – Jean-François Zobrist
  9. Maverick – Ricardo Semler
  10. Delivering Happiness – Tony Hsieh
  11. La Spirale Dynamique – Fabien Chabreuil
  12. Complexity the emerging science at the edge of order and chaos – M Mitchell Waldrop
  13. Employees First, Customers Second – Vineet Nayar
  14. La Révolution Holacracy – Brian J. Robertson
  15. Tribal Leadership – Dave Logan, John King, Halee Fischer-Wright
  16. The Innovator’s Dilemma – Clayton M. Christensen
  17. La Cinquième Discipline – Peter Senge
  18. More than a motorcycle – Rich Teerlink, Lee Ozley
  19. Let my people go surfing – Yvon Chouinard
  20. The Peaceable Kingdom – Stan Richards
  21. Joy, Inc. – Richard Sheridan
  22. Beyond Empowerment – the age of the self-managed organization – Doug Kirkpatrick
  23. Petite poucette – Michel Serres

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